Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Second Tuesday of each month from 10 - 11 am
Innovation Hills (Main Pavillion)
2800 W Hamlin Road
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Register at: ascension.org/events, “healthy hikes” or call 248-844-4540
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Join us for a health talk and hike for adults or a story time and hike for kids once a month, on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Each interactive hike will be guided by a Rochester naturalist through the Ascension boardwalk.
Location: Innovation Hills (Main Pavillion), 2800 W Hamlin Road, Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Register at: ascension.org/events, “healthy hikes” or call 248-844-4540
Printed courtesy of www.orionareachamber.com – Contact the Orion Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
106 W. Shadbolt Street, Suite B, Lake Orion, MI 48362 – (248) 693-6300 – info@orionareachamber.com